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ATHENS 11526

DIEYTHINSI DEYTEROVATHMIAS EKPAIDEYSHS A ATHINAS (DIDE A Athins in short ) is a public , non profit organization that operates operates under the authority of the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs and is responsible for the coordination and management of 187 secondary schools in the greater area of Athens (Central Cluster of Perfecture of Attica).

DIDE A Athinas is encouraging all schools to get involved in innovative projects that aim to enable creativity and critical thinking as well as interdisciplinary examples and projects. As a teacher in experimental school but also as an officer to promote new methods of learning our role is to implement the output of our work here and to make sure that this work will continue to live well after the time our project ends.

The area of responsibility of DIDE A Athinas is not only to supervise and control the management of the 187 secondary schools but also to create opportunities to the schools to develop and elaborate programs that will support teachers and principals to provide high quality teaching addressing the complex reality in classrooms and adoption of new methods and tools. Many of the students come from low social status and disadvantaged urban group with economic and language difficulties. Others are displaying poor learning results due to ex closure. The number of students that score low achievements during their schooling had increased recently resulting to early school leaving. Increasing numbers has shown that it is very important to act immediately and to offer enriching learning opportunities to the students who often complain that what they learn is completely cut off and irrelevant from real life.