Büro für Kultur- und Medienprojekte gGmbH ![](/images/culpeer/partner-logos/kkk.jpg)
Nernstweg 32
22765 Hamburg
Since 16 years we are developing the cultural approach with peer-to-peer-learning with partners in German and Europe and with different forms of schools all over Europe. Our partners from the Global South inspire the processes by their experiences with integration, social transformation and developing new perspectives for especially young people.
Their approaches are convincing schools in Europe to invite such a group of young artist for one to two weeks.
In Hamburg we are developing concepts and projects with different schools in poor neighborhoods. And since last year we started our first project with the cultural approach with peer-to-peer-learning with German students, young refugees and a group from Nepal.One background is the presentation of our project as “best practice project” in the “Orientation Framework Global Development”, which has been developed by the Ministry for Development and Economic Cooperation together with Conference of the Ministries for Culture and Education. It will be the main document for promoting global education in schools all over Germany.
It is the same time a contribuation to the World Action Programme of the UNESCO.
In the CULPEER project we will involve also our refugees who are volunteering in our project within the framework of "German Volunteerin Service - Welcome"