Music'Art e 
Viale Margherita di Savoia, 97
90100 Palermo
The most relevant activities and experiences of the partner organisation come from the use of performance arts for development of soft skills among young people with various disadvantages, including - visual impairments and other mental or physical disabilities, young people at risk of exclusion. Drama workshops with mixed groups have been organized in Palermo for local participants, which members of Music'Arte - Stefania Vitale and Casimiro Alaimo - have been implementing since 2010.
And, more recently, the involvement of the organisation in the V.I.S.I.ON project, the purpose of which is to develop self-confidence, a positive self-concept and awareness among visually impaired children and young people through drama and performance arts training program. The work, which currently Stefania and Casimiro are doing with the local group of young people in Palermo, under V.I.S.I.ON is considered invaluable for the future project, which aims to incorporate the theatrical training program into the V.I.E.W. approach for training v.i. youth workers.