A simple basic self-assessment concerning the mastery of the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship competence, according to which situation 1 is the lowest level and situation 5 – the highest:

1) I am able to think creatively, to come up with solutions to problems, to brain-storm in a group setting, and to come up with innovative ideas together with the others, however, I am not equally capable to put these ideas into action.

2) I am able to think creatively, to come up with solutions to problems or with innovative ideas on my own, however, I am not equally capable to put these ideas into action.

3) I am able to think creatively, to come up with solutions and innovative ideas on my own. I am also able to put these ideas into action in my personal life.

4) I am able to think creatively, to come up with solutions to problems and with innovative ideas on my own and can revise and improve these ideas. I am also able to put these ideas into action both in my personal life and in my professional life.

5) I am able to think creatively and to come up with solutions to various problems. I am able to come up with innovative ideas on my own, improve and revise them and put them into action not simply in my immediate personal or professional life, but in my community and/or in a commercial context as well.

Self-assessment: http://vintage.euproject.org/go.cfm?PageId=6259

Zuletzt geändert: Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2018, 15:28